Tower Defense Simulator Fan-made Wiki

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Void Fallen King's scenic view of the Greatsword.


The Void Fallen King is one of the strongest and largest zombie in the game. Making one of the strongest "Superboss" since it surpasses boss strength. It is even larger than the Cathary Reborn Fallen King and a darker version of it. And this is the only boss with 5 phases in the game. The apperance is very similar to Void2. The most notice are the neon purple lines, purple neon haze cloud, its greatsword and the wings.

Attacks / Abilities:

The Beginning of the End Void Stomp

The Void Fallen King will roar and stomp, the shockwave is instantaneous and every ground vehicle will be destroyed. Every ground tower except Gladiator is stunned for a whole 8 seconds. Hill and Aerial towers are excluded.

Void Slash and Strike

The Void Fallen King will slash 3 times very fast. And then will proceed to put his leg down and strike with the strike reaching the length of the map.

Void Final Kill

The Void Fallen King will slash a random tower and will explode, the leftover of the towers will despawn after a while but you can sell the dead tower to recoup some of the costs.

Void Final Bang

The Void Fallen King will throw his shield and bang a group of towers, stunning them for 20 seconds, and will then come back like a boomerang and continues walking.

Dark Void Sword Throw

The version of this Sword Throw is even stronger than the rage mode Sword Throws on the other Fallen Kings, capable to stun a larger amount of towers when thrown. They are stunned for 10 seconds.

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Void Fallen King's behind.

Fiery Instantaneous Lightning

The Void Fallen King will throw his sword up like how the other Fallen Kings did and then the aerial sword's 20 seconds, it will summon Fiery Lightning the split second it is thrown up. The Void Fallen King is immobile while the lightnings stun a lot of towers. Stunning them for 6 seconds.

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Final Summon from the Final Void

The Void Fallen King will summon 6 portals behind him, summoning zombies for 10 seconds with pointing his sword behind him and creating 6 lasers summoning the portals. He is immobile for the duration of the ability.

Void Final Rage (Rage Mode)

When the Void Fallen King reaches under 12,500,000 HP / 12.5M HP, it will enter rage mode. And will proceed to perform every ability with the Infernal Catharis Stomp the last. This enables him to do Rage Mode abilities as well. Neon Dark Red eyes will form on his face.

Shield Collapser Sacrifice (Rage Mode Ability)

When the Void Fallen King reaches under 6,250,000 HP / 6.25M HP, it will throw throw its shield at a random place which will explode once touching the ground, stunning the towers in the radius of the explosion.

Helmet Collapser Sacrifice (Rage Mode Ability)

When the Void Fallen King reaches under 3,125,000 HP / 3.125M HP, it will remove his helmet, revealing four red neon eyes in total. And then he will throw his helmet on a random group of towers, stunning them for 15 seconds.

Pauldron Collapser Sacrifice (Rage Mode Ability)

When the Void Fallen King reaches under 1,562,500 HP / 1.5625M HP, he will remove both of his Pauldrons and throw at different sides, stunning a group of towers on the explosion for 10 seconds.

Multiverse Sword Collapser Sacrifice (Rage Mode Ability)

When the Void Fallen King reaches under 1,000,000 HP / 1.0M HP, it will throw its sword up, causing it to collapse and explode, stunning every tower in the map for 5 seconds.

Final Punch Thrower (Rage Mode Ability)

The Void Fallen King will throw a lot of fast punches at a group of towers, it is immobile for 10 seconds and will throw fast punches, it will stun the towers for 25 seconds.

Final Kick (Rage Mode Ability)

The Void Fallen King will kick a random tower, stunning them for 30 seconds.

Roaring Stomp (Rage Mode Ability)

The Void Fallen King will shout like the Void, stunning every tower for 10 seconds and destroying ground vehicles.

Final Sacrifice (Ultra-Rage Mode)

The Void Fallen King shout very loud, causing it to enter into a new stage of Rage Mode. Ultra-Rage Mode at under 500,000 HP / 500K HP. All of his abilities are 2 times stronger. And he walks even faster. He will now have yellow eyes.

Devastating Wish (Ultra-Rage Mode Ability)

The Void Fallen King will run at under 100,000 HP / 100K HP.

Extreme Rage Mode Sacrifice (Extreme-Rage Mode)

The Void Fallen King will enter to Extreme-Rage Mode when it reaches under 50,000 HP / 50K HP. And will proceed to unlock 1 final ability.

Killing Spree (Extreme-Rage Mode Ability)

The Void Fallen King will kill random towers while running.


This Superboss is one of the strongest in the entire game. Everyone in your team needs accelerators. With all rangers and constant chaining for Commander. With constant unstun of medic, you can defeat the boss.


If this boss was to be added into the real game, it would be one of the largest, strongest boss in the game. With the most phases.
