mdiv style="text-align: center; font-size: x-large; padding: 1em;">'Welcome to the Legacy Tower Defense Simulator Fan-made Wiki!/div>
(o not get confused with [ Tower Defense Simulator Wik is all about fan-made stuff!
From maps to zombies, from zombies to units. Everything Tower Defense Simulator Related!
Thiiki was created by Matender103 / [httpsee the fan-made creations I have made and probably other people made too (or maybe even game developers, who knows.).
Yu have prroooobably seen someone called CCyb3rr commenting on your pages to tell you to move, right? Well you indeed should! With an inactive staff team as well as vandalism being conducted constantly. On our new wiki, we have an active staff team that will ban raiders. If you'd like to move, please click Here.
This wiki may be merged with the crrent wiki in the near future.blockquote>gallery psitio="center" captonalign="center" navigation="true" widths="139 oentation="square" captionsize="medium" borderc0" bordersize="medium" captionposition="below" spacing="medium"> File:Towers.png|Fan-made Towers|link=Ctegory:Towers File:Zombies.png |Fanmade Zombies|link=Category:Zombies File:Maps.png |Fan-made Maps|link=Category:Maps File:Events.png |Fan-made Events|link=Category:Events File:Features.png |FanmadeSkins|link=Category:Skins </gallery>
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| style="padding: 5px" |Cursed
| style="padding: 5px" |Withered
| style="padding: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115px" |Ghost
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